The WHO Pandemic Accord: One Health, indigenous peoples, local communities and developing nations

The WHO Pandemic Accord: One Health, indigenous peoples, local communities and developing nations (These comments were developed in collaboration with IWMC-World Conservation Trust) Background Given the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization's 194 Member States initiated a process aimed at crafting a new convention, agreement, or similar international mechanism (hereinafter referred to …

Introducing the CITES Resolutions Repository

Introducing the CITES Resolutions Repository As a new resource for research purposes, we have made available the CITES Resolutions Repository. The site contains not only information on the individual Resolutions that were adopted at CITES CoPs, but also by which Resolution they were repealed, along with the original texts of the Resolutions. Following each CoP, …

New academic article published: “The Challenge of the Quorum at the International Whaling Commission”

New academic article published: "The Challenge of the Quorum at the International Whaling Commission" Dr Nikolas Sellheim's article "The Challenge of the Quorum at the International Whaling Commission" has been published in the Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy. Without the quorum - a minimum number of decision-makers - a body cannot start discussions, …

The new issue of The Digest is out!

The new issue of The Digest is out! With the new year dawning, also the world of conservation and livelihoods will face new challenges. Also 2023 saw many new developments, some of which are discussed in the new issue of The Conservation & Livelihoods Digest! The issue can be downloaded free-of-charge here.

The 77th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee is in full swing

The 77th meeting of the CITES Standing Committee is in full swing The Standing Committee of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is once again meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, between 6-10 November 2023. The meeting will pave the way to the next Conference of the Parties (CoP) …

The new issue of The Conservation & Livelihoods Digest is out!

The new issue of The Conservation & Livelihoods Digest is out! The September-issue of The Conservation & Livelihoods Digest is now available free-of-charge here. This time, we look at the European Union's Nature Restoration Law, at whaling in Taiji and Iceland, at local water activities in rural Germany and at the International Whaling Commission's Scientific …

Eine neue Veröffentlichung auf Deutsch: “Die Ursprünge der COVID-19 Pandemie, der internationale Wildtierhandel und die Rolle der Washingtoner Artenschutzkonvention”

Eine neue Veröffentlichung auf Deutsch: "Die Ursprünge der COVID-19 Pandemie, der internationale Wildtierhandel und die Rolle der Washingtoner Artenschutzkonvention" Eine Veröffentlichung im Fachjournal Natur&Recht zum Thema COVID-19 und die Rolle der Washingtoner Artenschutzkonvention (CITES) ist jetzt verfügbar. Der Artikel kann hier frei heruntergeladen werden. Zusammenfassung: Seit dem ersten Auftauchen des neuartigen SARS-CoV-2 Virus im November …